Reinventing Retail Industry with Computer Vision

A girl in a green scarf – we are pretty sure most of our minds triggered the thoughts of “Confessions of a shopaholic”. How is it barely relatable to computer vision one might ask. It is in view of the fact that just like the protagonist of the film, a lot of people feel retail shopping is an investment and not every investment has to yield returns in the form of money. It is all about the experience. Let’s time travel to the past decade along with the movie and compare what changed in the retail outlets. Humans need faster solutions and are all about speed. E-commerce websites serve as one huge advantage for them. However, what none realizes is that it has led to a huge plunge in the retail industry. While some retail outlets have become bygones, others have adopted new technologies with a wide range of innovations to thrive with the ever-evolving shopping spree or retail therapy of the customers. This has led to the upsurge of retail shopping. It is soaring high in sophisticated...